Sep 30, 2020
Who is the Angel St. Uriel?
Q. This week we celebrate the Feast of the Archangels: St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael (September 29). I recently read a...
Sep 28, 2020
2019-2020 Parish Annual Report
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, I am pleased to present our Parish Annual Report for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. We have had another...
Sep 25, 2020
Men and Women of Faith
Please join us as we begin a new season of Men and Women of Faith. On October 10th, we welcome Hal Plummer, Superintendent of Schools...
Sep 23, 2020
Did Padre Pio Affirm the Existence of Aliens?
Q. Someone told me that St. Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) once affirmed the existence of intelligent life on other planets. Is this...
Sep 18, 2020
What are the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady?
Q. This week we observed the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows (September 15). What specifically are those sorrows she endured? A. When the...
Sep 9, 2020
Why do we Celebrate the Name of Mary?
Q. Why do we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary? A. The Feast of the Most Holy Name of the Blessed...
Sep 3, 2020
Why Do We Call Liturgical Chant "Gregorian"?
Q. Why do we call liturgical chant “Gregorian”? A. Christian liturgical chant has existed in various forms and languages since ancient...
Sep 1, 2020
Dispensation and Mass Schedule
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, Archbishop Hartmayer has extended the dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass in the...
Aug 28, 2020
Faith and the Spiritual Life
Join us Monday nights from 7:00 to 8:30pm as we discuss topics related to growth in the interior life. Beginning Monday, September 14, we...
Aug 28, 2020
Faith Ablaze! on Thursdays
Please join us Thursday evenings from 7:00pm - 8:00pm for the return of Faith Ablaze. Beginning September 10th we will meet on the parish...