Apr 4, 2020
Update on Closures and Confessions
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, In response to Governor Kemp's recent shelter in place order, Bishop Konzen has asked all pastors to...
Mar 29, 2020
Extended Suspension of Public Masses
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, Yesterday, the archdiocese sent out an update regarding the Coronavirus and informed all pastors that...
Mar 27, 2020
Updated Important Parish Information
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, As we continue to suffer the impact of the Coronavirus, I wanted to update you on some additional...
Mar 23, 2020
Confessions & Livestream Events
This is St. Catherine's latest schedule for confessions and livestream events. Please join us: Wednesdays: Confessions and Adoration...
Mar 21, 2020
Weekend Events for March 21/22
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, This weekend, we will continue to offer our regularly scheduled Confession times (Saturday 9:00-10:00am...
Mar 20, 2020
Educational Scholarships
Applications for the 2020 Penny Conti Educational Scholarships are still available in the narthex on the Columbiettes counters. Each...
Mar 18, 2020
Confessions and Adoration in Garden
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, The sacraments of the Eucharist and Confession are two of the most beautiful gifts we possess in the...
Mar 18, 2020
Important Parish Information
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, Yesterday I sent out an email notifying you all that, per the directives of the archdiocese, we would...
Mar 17, 2020
Public Masses Canceled
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, The archdiocese released a new statement today that “Effective Tuesday, March 17, we will suspend all...
Mar 16, 2020
PSR Family Resources
Dear Parish School of Religion Families, On behalf of the Parish School of Religion Staff, we are praying for all of you during COVID-19...