Jan 15, 2020
Is Confession En Masse Possible?
Q. Is it possible to have Confession en masse? A. It’s possible to receive General Absolution (Confession en masse) when the...
Jan 8, 2020
Q. Why Did God Allow Adam and Eve to Eat the Apple?
Q. Why did God allow Adam and Eve to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? A. Another way to state your...
Jan 8, 2020
Couples of Faith
An adult faith formation series for married and engaged couples Saturday, October 12, 2019 “Faith, Family, and Vocation” Sr. Mary Diana...
Jan 1, 2020
Where Do We Get the Names of the Three Magi?
Q. Where do we get the traditional names of the three Magi (Wise Men)? A. The Gospel of Matthew, which tells us about the Magi (Matthew...
Dec 31, 2019
Faith and the Spiritual Life
A weekly faith formation opportunity for adults! Theme:“Introduction to the Spiritual Life: How to Grow Closer to God Through Prayer and...
Dec 26, 2019
Christmas Message
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, As we celebrate this joyful feast of Christmas and approach the end of the year, I am particularly...
Dec 18, 2019
Were the Wise Men Really at the Stable?
Q. In the Christmas crèche, is it historically accurate to have the shepherds and the Wise Men appear in the stable at the same time? A....
Dec 14, 2019
Dec 11, 2019
Why is Advent Called a "Little Lent"?
Q. Why is Advent sometimes called a “little Lent”? A. The liturgical season of Advent earned the nickname “little Lent” because it’s...
Dec 4, 2019
History of the Immaculate Conception?
Q. Why did the dogmatic definition of the Immaculate Conception come so late in history? A. The Church’s formal definition of this dogma...