Jul 31, 2019
Proved from Scripture?
Q. Does every Christian belief have to be “proved from Scripture” to be valid? A. Not at all. That notion actually contradicts itself....
Jul 24, 2019
Dance Academy Registration
Karen Grantham’s Dance Academy is now enrolling for the 2019/2020 school year! Dance, tumbling, and musical theater classes will be...

Jul 24, 2019
Significance of the Hebrew Word "Beth"?
Q. Many place names in Scripture begin with “Beth,” such as Bethlehem, Bethany, and Bethsaida. Does “Beth” have a particular...
Jul 17, 2019
Kinsmen of Jesus?
Q. We celebrate the feast of St. James the Apostle this week (July 25). Were he and his brother, the Apostle John, kinsmen of Jesus? A....
Jul 17, 2019
NFP Awareness Week
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, Each year, the United States Bishops sponsor “Natural Family Planning Awareness Week” to promote an...

Jul 10, 2019
What is the Gregorian Calendar?
Q. What is the Gregorian calendar? A. The Julian calendar — an earlier form of our contemporary calendar — was introduced by Julius...
Jul 9, 2019
Fr. Valery's Vocation Story
Fr. Valery, our new parochial vicar, shared his Vocation story with us at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend. If you were unable...
Jul 3, 2019
Why Separate the Books of Luke and Acts?
Q. Why are the biblical books of Luke and Acts separated if they were written by the same person? A. St. Luke did indeed write both these...
Jul 1, 2019
Welcome New Youth Director
Please join us in welcoming our new Youth Director. Lisa Fiamingo is a graduate of the Franciscan University of Steubenville. She holds...
Jul 1, 2019
Welcome Grants for Catholic Schools
Catholic School Education Opportunity! WELCOME GRANTS ATL is available to Catholic elementary schools in the Archdiocese of Atlanta...