Jun 19, 2019
What's An Anti-pope?
Q.What’s an anti-pope? A. An antipope is someone who makes a false claim to be the pope, based on a process of election, installment or...
Jun 11, 2019
Precision Prayer
Q. Is prayer more effective if it is limited in scope? A. I think the first thing we must note is that prayer is a mystery with regard to...
May 29, 2019
What are the Seven Deadly Sins?
Q. What are the "seven deadly sins"? A. The “seven deadly sins” are more accurately known as the “seven capital vices.” A vice differs...
May 26, 2019
Parish Hall Sponsorship Opportunities
The Parish Hall is now open, and we would like to offer our parishioners and school families an opportunity to sponsor several of the...

May 23, 2019
Are Religious Tracts a Catholic Invention?
Q. I’ve heard that religious tracts are a Catholic invention. Is that true? A. St. Francis de Sales (1567–1622) pioneered the strategy...
May 15, 2019
What is Gregorian Water?
Q. What is “Gregorian water?” A. “Gregorian water” is a mixture of water (a symbol of life and cleansing) with salt (health and...
May 7, 2019
Saints who were Moms
Q. In honor of Mother’s Day, who are some saints who were mothers and who would make great intercessors and role models for mothers...
May 7, 2019
Mother's Day Letter
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, On this Mother’s Day weekend, I am particularly grateful to all the wonderful mothers of our parish,...

May 1, 2019
Why is May the Month of Mary?
Q. How did the month of May come to be associated especially with the Blessed Virgin Mary? A. The custom of consecrating the month of May...
Apr 24, 2019
What does the Paschal Candle Stand For?
Q. What is the Paschal candle, and what do the letters “P” and “X” on it stand for? A. The English word “Paschal” ultimately comes from...