Apr 17, 2019
Why is Orthodox Easter a Different Date?
Q. Why don’t Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter on the same day as Catholics and Protestants? A. The day designated for annually...
Apr 10, 2019
Palm Sunday Customs
Q. Is it true that Palm Sunday customs have been as varied as Christmas and Easter customs around the world? A. Yes, indeed! Palm Sunday...
Apr 9, 2019
Parish Mission Recordings
Fr. Josh Allen gave a wonderful Lenten mission on the topic of Mercy. If you would like to listen to the recordings you can find them here.
Apr 6, 2019
Faith and Love Conference Videos Available
The videos for the Faith and Love Conference are now available below. Thanks again to all our presenter, organizers, and all who...

Apr 2, 2019
The Arrest of Christ
Q. When Jesus was about to be arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, those who came to arrest Him asked Him a question. His response...
Mar 27, 2019
Saints' Memorial Dates?
Q. How does the Church choose which date will be celebrated as the memorial for each saint? A. A saint’s feast day is typically the day...
Mar 20, 2019
Can the Power of Prayer Be Diluted?
Q. If I pray for the healing of all the sick people in the world, is that less effective than praying for a few specific individuals?...
Mar 13, 2019
What Is RCIA?
Q. What exactly is the RCIA program? A. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a formal process of faith formation for three...
Mar 6, 2019
Why Does Lent Last Forty Days?
Q. Why does Lent last forty days? A. The Lenten season includes forty days of penance because it recalls the forty days that Jesus spent...
Feb 27, 2019
Why Ashes for Penance?
Q. How did the custom of imposing ashes come to be associated with penance? A. In ancient Jewish culture, covering oneself with dust and...