Dec 12, 2018
Differences in the Gospel Nativity Accounts?
Q. Why do only two of the Gospels tell about Jesus’ nativity, and why are these two accounts so different? A. The Gospels were written by...
Dec 5, 2018
Papal Honors for Our Lady of Guadalupe?
Q. What papal honors have been granted Our Lady of Guadalupe? A. Pope Benedict XIV in 1754 proclaimed Our Lady of Guadalupe patroness of...
Nov 30, 2018
2017-2018 Parish Annual Report
Please click here to view our 2017-2018 Parish Annual Report.

Nov 28, 2018
What Is the Meaning of the Advent Wreath?
Q. What is the spiritual meaning of the Advent wreath? A. The word “advent” means “coming.” In this season, our focus should be on the...
Nov 26, 2018
End of Life Seminar Notes
As a follow-up to our End of Life Seminar on November 17, below are Fr. Neil's presentation notes, as well as other helpful links. Fr....
Nov 20, 2018
Why Do Catholic Bibles Have "Extra" Books?
Q. Why does the Catholic Bible have seven more books than other Bibles? A. Seven Old Testament books are found in Catholic Bibles but not...
Nov 14, 2018
Are Catholics Forbidden to Be Masons?
Q. Has the Catholic Church lifted its condemnation of the Masons? A. Much has been written about Freemasonry and the Catholic Church in...
Nov 8, 2018
List of Clergy with Credible Abuse Allegations
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, Yesterday, Archbishop Gregory published a list of priests, deacons, seminarians, and religious in the...

Nov 7, 2018
What's the Difference Between the Creeds?
Q. Why are the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed different? A. Like all Catholic creeds, the Apostles’ and the Nicene provide...
Oct 30, 2018
Is Confirmation Needed More Than Once?
Q. When Catholics receive Confirmation but leave the Church for a long time, do they have to receive Confirmation again when they return?...