Oct 24, 2018
All Saints and All Souls: What's the Difference?
Q. What’s the difference between All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day? A. On All Saints’ Day (Nov. 1), we honor all the saints of God,...
Oct 16, 2018
Is Halloween a Christian Holiday?
Q. Is Halloween a pagan or a Christian holiday? A. In terms of its origins, Halloween is both pagan and Christian. In terms of its...
Oct 9, 2018
Who Is the Archangel Raphael?
Q. What do we know about the Archangel Raphael? A. The Archangel Raphael (the name in Hebrew means “God has healed”) appears by name only...
Oct 3, 2018
Who Is the Archangel Gabriel?
Q. What do we know about the Archangel Gabriel? A. The Archangel Gabriel (the name in Hebrew means “God is my strength”) appears several...
Sep 25, 2018
Who Is the Archangel Michael?
Q. What do we know about the Archangel Michael? Michael (whose name in Hebrew means “Who is like God?”) is noted in four biblical...

Sep 18, 2018
Who Are the Holy Archangels?
Q. Who are the archangels, whose feast we celebrate this week (September 29)? A. The term “archangel” means a “chief angel,” one with...
Sep 12, 2018
Do Catholics Believe in the "Great Tribulation?"
Q. Do Catholics believe in the “great tribulation” that my Protestant friend talks about? A. The Catholic Church affirms that “before...
Sep 5, 2018
What's the Real Meaning of the Number 666?
Q. What’s the real meaning of the number 666 in Scripture? A. In Revelation 13 we read about St. John’s vision of the two beasts who for...
Aug 28, 2018
Does Scripture Condemn Cohabitation?
Q. Where does Scripture say that people should not live together before marriage? A. The Greek New Testament word translated into English...
Aug 27, 2018
An Update On the Abuse Scandal
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, Last week I wrote to you about the painful Church abuse scandals we have been hearing about in the news...