Sep 5, 2018
What's the Real Meaning of the Number 666?
Q. What’s the real meaning of the number 666 in Scripture? A. In Revelation 13 we read about St. John’s vision of the two beasts who for...
Aug 28, 2018
Does Scripture Condemn Cohabitation?
Q. Where does Scripture say that people should not live together before marriage? A. The Greek New Testament word translated into English...
Aug 27, 2018
An Update On the Abuse Scandal
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, Last week I wrote to you about the painful Church abuse scandals we have been hearing about in the news...
Aug 22, 2018
Does Scripture Condemn Cohabitation?
Q. Where does Scripture say that people should not live together before marriage? A. The Greek New Testament word translated into English...
Aug 16, 2018
Statement Regarding Clergy Abuse
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, I often reflect on the time when I finally made a firm decision to enter seminary and begin my studies...
Aug 14, 2018
Are Sacraments Invalid If Priest Sins?
Q. If a priest in a state of mortal sin celebrates Mass or provides other sacraments, are they still valid? A. Yes, they are valid, as...
Aug 8, 2018
Updates: Construction & Capital Campaign
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, I wanted to update you on the building progress of our new parish hall. The slab for the foundation was...
Aug 8, 2018
"Unclean" Animals?
Q. What does the Catholic Church teach about the “unclean” animals named in the Old Testament that were not to be eaten? (See Leviticus...
Jul 31, 2018
Why Do Catholics Pay for Masses?
Q. Why do Catholics have to pay for Masses? A. We don’t “pay for Masses,” because we cannot possibly afford it, since the value of the...
Jul 24, 2018
50th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, Each year, the United States Bishops sponsor “Natural Family Planning Awareness Week” to promote an...