Jan 31, 2018
How do popes choose their name?
Q. How did the custom of popes choosing new names arise? A. First some background: The earliest popes did not choose a different name...
Jan 24, 2018
What is the Didache?
Q. What is the Didache? A. Several books were highly regarded in parts of the early Church — so much so that some local churches read...
Jan 24, 2018
Catholic Schools Week
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, This week we celebrate Catholic Schools Week. We recall, in a special way, the gift of Catholic...
Jan 21, 2018
Life Teen - Mission
Join us this summer, July 22nd-27th, for Restore Mission Camps in Lafayette, Louisiana. As missionary disciples with Life Teen Summer...
Jan 21, 2018
Brenda Fitzgerald - Parent Potluck
You are invited to a Parent Potluck Presentation on Wednesday, January 31 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM in Herbert Hall. This workshop is designed...
Jan 21, 2018
Announcement Regarding New Parish Hall
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, I recently made an announcement regarding some exciting news about a major project for our parish and...
Jan 19, 2018
Differences between a 'monk' and a 'friar'?
Q. What’s the difference between a monk and a friar? A. Though the term monk is commonly used to designate all male religious, it more...
Jan 19, 2018
St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive
Today we are passing out bags for our quarterly Saint Vincent de Paul food drive. In the last 3 months our food pantry has made 170 food...
Jan 12, 2018
How does one make a "spiritual communion"
Q. How does someone make a “spiritual communion”? A. Our Lord wants us to receive Him in His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in Holy...
Jan 3, 2018
Chalk Over the Door on Epiphany?
Q. Why do some Catholic families write in chalk over the entrance to their home at Epiphany? A. The centuries-old custom of “chalking the...