Nov 6, 2019
Why Is the Lateran Basilica Important?
Q. This weekend (November 9) we celebrate the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. Where is this basilica and why is it...
Oct 30, 2019
Why Do We Need Purgatory?
Q. Why do we need purgatory? A. Sacred Scripture and Tradition repeatedly affirm that God’s ultimate intention is for us to become...
Oct 23, 2019
Can We Receive Communion in Non-Catholic Churches?
Q. Are Catholics allowed to receive Communion in non-Catholic churches? A. No, they are not. Receiving Communion in a non-Catholic church...
Oct 16, 2019
What's the Nature of the Soul?
Q. What is the nature of the soul according to Catholic teaching? A. The Catechism points out that Sacred Scripture often uses the word...
Oct 9, 2019
Q. Who was St. Ignatius of Antioch?
Q. Who was St. Ignatius of Antioch (feast, October 17)? A. St. Ignatius (c. A.D. 50–c. 107) was the martyr Bishop of Antioch, Syria, an...
Oct 2, 2019
Is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary a Military Victory?
Q. Is it true that the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7) commemorates a military victory? A. Yes. This feast, designated for...

Sep 25, 2019
What Does the Church Teach About Guardian Angels?
Q. We celebrate the Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels on October 2. What does the Church teach about these angels? A. The Catholic...
Sep 18, 2019
Why is St. Vincent de Paul the Patron of That Society?
Q. Why is the Society of St. Vincent de Paul named for that particular saint? A. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul was established in...
Sep 11, 2019
A Crown of Twelve Stars?
Q. Why is Mary sometimes portrayed with a crown of twelve stars? A. The crown she was given as Queen of Heaven is sometimes depicted with...
Sep 4, 2019
Two Confirmation Names?
Q. Are we limited to one saint name at Confirmation? A. You are not limited to only one, just as John Paul I was not limited to one name...