Aug 28, 2019
A Catholic Labor Day?
Q. The American civil holiday Labor Day was established to recognize the hard work, sacrifices, and contributions of workers. Does the...
Aug 21, 2019
Did the Risen Jesus Appear to His Mother?
Q. Wouldn’t Jesus have appeared to His mother after His resurrection? Why is there no biblical account of that event? A. Biblical...
Aug 14, 2019
Mary As Queen Wife or Mother?
Q. If Mary is Queen, and Jesus is King, wouldn’t that make her His wife? A. Recall that King David’s reign over the ancient Israelites...
Aug 7, 2019
Did Mary Die?
Q. We celebrate the Assumption of Our Lady this week (August 15). When she was assumed body and soul into heaven, had she died first, or...
Jul 31, 2019
Proved from Scripture?
Q. Does every Christian belief have to be “proved from Scripture” to be valid? A. Not at all. That notion actually contradicts itself....
Jul 24, 2019
Significance of the Hebrew Word "Beth"?
Q. Many place names in Scripture begin with “Beth,” such as Bethlehem, Bethany, and Bethsaida. Does “Beth” have a particular...
Jul 17, 2019
Kinsmen of Jesus?
Q. We celebrate the feast of St. James the Apostle this week (July 25). Were he and his brother, the Apostle John, kinsmen of Jesus? A....
Jul 10, 2019
What is the Gregorian Calendar?
Q. What is the Gregorian calendar? A. The Julian calendar — an earlier form of our contemporary calendar — was introduced by Julius...
Jul 3, 2019
Why Separate the Books of Luke and Acts?
Q. Why are the biblical books of Luke and Acts separated if they were written by the same person? A. St. Luke did indeed write both these...
Jun 19, 2019
What's An Anti-pope?
Q.What’s an anti-pope? A. An antipope is someone who makes a false claim to be the pope, based on a process of election, installment or...