St. Thérèse Sacristan Guild
The St. Thérèse Guild is a new ministry for girls named after St. Thérèse of Lisieux, the Carmelite saint who was a nun who served as a sacristan in her convent and lived a model life of holiness and service. The ministry will include quarterly meetings for girls in grades 3 through high school and will be an opportunity for the girls to learn about the life of St. Thérèse and her teachings on religious life and the vocation to love as well as the life of her parents who lived a model marriage and were recently canonized as saints. There will also be more general formation in growing in faith, devotion to the Eucharist, and service, so that the girls, as they get older, can assume their responsibility as virtuous women who can live their vocations faithfully, whether they be to marriage or a religious vocation. The children will also learn about the important liturgical arrangements that are involved in preparing for the Mass, and they will eventually be able to assist our sacristans at Mass each week to prepare the altar and engage in other special activities to ensure that our liturgies are beautiful and run smoothly. Girls who wish join the guild should have parents email Nicole Moers nicolem@stcatherinercc.org. Our first meeting will be on Saturday, May 14 from 10:00am to 11:00am beginning in the church.