First Reconciliation and First Communion Preparation
The mission of St. Catherine of Siena Parish School of Religion is to assist our families in fulfilling their baptismal promises and to lead them into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. We strive to carry out this mission by providing spiritual formation, catechesis, and fellowship.
Dear Families,
Welcome to our Sacramental Preparation Program for the reception of First Reconciliation and First Communion for your children. This is such an important moment in the life of your children, and we are here to be with you every step of the way! We have an exciting year planned and want to give you an overview of the preparation experience and what we will be learning this year. If you any questions, or if there is anything we can do to assist you, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sincerely in Christ,
Joan Henness
Director of Children's Faith Formation (PreK-Grade 8)
This year we are implementing a new family faith formation model for children in Pre K-Grade 12 called Families Forming Disciples. All families with children of any age are invited to participate, and please note that this program will serve to satisfy one year of the requirements for the foundational preparation for reception of the sacraments which typically occurs in the first and second grade (the Archdiocese of Atlanta requires two years of foundational preparation immediately leading up to reception of the sacraments which can be fulfilled by participation in a Parish School of Religion, Catholic school, or an accredited Catholic home school program).
In addition to the two-year foundational preparation, there will also be specific sacramental preparation immediately leading up to reception of the sacrament. First Reconciliation and First Communion specific preparation typically occurs during the second grade year, and children receive the sacraments towards the end of the second grade year. An example of a typical course of preparation to receive the sacraments in the second grade would be as follows:
Year I (typically first grade)
Children would be required to attend our Parish School of Religion (Families Forming Disciples), a Catholic school, or an accredited Catholic home school program to fulfill the requirement for the first foundational preparation year.
Year II (typically second grade)
Children would be required to attend our Parish School of Religion (Families Forming Disciples), a Catholic school, or an accredited Catholic home school program to fulfill the requirement for the second foundational preparation year. And additionally, children will complete the specific sacramental preparation materials and will receive the sacraments towards the end of this year.
Specific Sacramental Preparation
The first part of the specific preparation will focus on the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The following are some of the key teachings we will emphasize:
The definition, importance, and role of gratitude in our relationship with family and God.
Prayers - Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, and the Act of Contrition
How to become a good decision maker and the power of good habits.
The 10 Commandments
Sin and the power of Grace, Forgiveness and Healing
The Cross, Resurrection and Ascension
The 5 steps to Reconciliation
Following Reconciliation in early February 2021, we will focus on the Sacrament of First of Holy Communion. Here are some of the key teachings we will emphasize:
The Eucharist being the Food for the Soul.
The Creed
True Presence
The Last Supper
Our church family
The role and importance, and relevance of prayer in our lives.
At St. Catherine’s we emphasize that sacramental preparation is centered around the family. We will offer one workshop for our families before each Sacrament.*
First Reconciliation Workshop in January 2021 - Emphasis on Reconciliation and Prayer
The Sacrament of First Reconciliation - February 2021
First Holy Communion Workshop in March 2021 - Emphasis on Mass 101 and the Eucharist
First Holy Communion Retreat - April 2021
First Holy Communion - May 2021
*Note: Exact Dates TBD
Please click the link below to register. More information about specific sacramental program as well as some additional forms to be completed will be sent to you once you register. If your child did not participate in religious education last year, or you are not sure as to your child's eligibility to receive First Reconciliation and First Communion, please contact Joan Hennes at before registering.