Welcome to Our Parish

On behalf of our parish family and staff, I would like to welcome you to our parish. St. Catherine’s is a truly wonderful parish centered on the Eucharist and a life of stewardship and charity. If you would like to learn about the history of our parish, you can see our parish history page, and if you would like to learn more about our parish identity and mission, you can see our identity and mission page.
As a new parishioner, I would like to invite you to do a few things to make sure you get integrated into the life of our parish:
1. Register with our parish - If you have not already registered, please make sure to do here by clicking here. Registration allows you to formally join our parish and will put you on our parish communications list, so that we can keep you informed of everything happening at our parish.
2. Participate in the sacraments - We have an active sacramental life and offer several Masses each day. We celebrate very reverent and beautiful traditional liturgies. If you are not familiar with the Latin chant parts of the Mass that we use or the Latin Marian antiphons that we sing after communion, you can see our Latin Mass parts page to familiarize yourself with these. We also have perpetual Eucharistic adoration, and we provide several opportunities for the Sacrament of Confession each week.
3. Get involved - We are blessed to have an extremely vibrant community with a number of ministries and programs for our children and adults. Please explore our website to find out more about all the different ways you can get involved in the life of our parish.
4. Support our parish - The health and vibrancy of our parish depends on active stewardship of time, talent, and treasure. Please consider making a commitment to regular sacrificial giving to the parish through our offertory envelopes or through our online giving service. If you requested to receive parish envelopes, you should receive them in the coming weeks; otherwise, you can sign-up for our online giving here. To find out more about stewardship of treasure, you can visit our stewardship of treasure page.
5. Join us for an upcoming new parishioner reception - Please also join us at one of our quarterly new parishioner receptions that we host (next reception Sunday, October 27) at 11:15am-noon in room 316/317 down the preschool hallway.
Once again, I would like to welcome you to our parish family. If I have not met you already, please be sure to introduce yourself to me after one of our Masses. If there is anything I can do for you in the meantime, please feel free to contact me. Please be assured of my prayers for you and your family in my daily holy hour and Masses.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Neil Dhabliwala