Respect Life Ministry

Join us in building a Culture of Life...
We believe it's crucial to protect life unborn through our last breath, from womb to tomb.
We believe every life is sacred from the moment of conception.
We believe mothers and fathers deserve every bit of support they need to thrive.
We believe every child deserves loving guidance in a stable environment.
We believe we can all make an impact in the fight for respecting life at all stages.
We believe in building a Culture of Life that honors the dignity of every person.
We believe we can't do it without you.
Won't you join us?
Below you can find an overview of the Respect Life Ministry opportunities at our parish.
For more information and to become involved with any of these programs, email our Respect Life Ministry Leader, Samantha Young, at respectlife@stcatherinercc.org.
40 Days for Life
We are excited to partner with 40 Days for Life Marietta to hold peaceful prayer vigil outside of the Marietta Planned Parenthood clinic year-round.
To Sign Up:
1. Visit this link.
2. Click “Sign up for Vigil Hours”
3. Create an account or log in to an existing account
4. On your account, where it asks for “Group Name,” enter: “St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church Respect Life Ministry”
If it's your first time showing the love of Christ outside of a clinic:
We’re so excited for you to join us, and we have resources for you!
Please reach out to Samantha Young and Suzanne & Rachel Guy (their information is available on the 40 Days for Life website linked above.)
Pregnancy Aid Clinic
Our parish is a long-time proud partner of the Pregnancy Aid Clinic (PAC).
We have two donation opportunities directly benefitting PAC: the Baby Bottle Drive in January and the Mother's Day Crib Collection in May.
Walking With Moms In Need
St. Catherine's Walking With Moms In Need program is currently being developed and will offer support, encouragement, and resources as mothers embrace welcoming a new baby during a period of hardship. For more information contact wwmin@stcatherinercc.org.
Foster Care & Adoption
In 2021 there were 10, 504 children in State custody in Georgia.
2021 is the last year for which data is currently reported by the Children's Bureau (an office of the Administration for Children & Families, of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services).
Today that number is likely higher.
Each child spends an average of more than 18 months in state custody.
The ideal goal is to reunify children with their families.
When that is not possible, then the goal can become finding children a forever family to adopt them and give them the loving home they need.
We are committed to raising awareness about the state of Foster Care in Georgia, providing support to the children in care, and encouraging all families to consider if they could provide a foster home to the children who so desperately need it.