Dear St. Catherine Parish Family,
The archdiocese has released a new statement regarding the Coronavirus. You can read the entire statement here. You will notice that there is a more general dispensation from Mass attendance. As I mentioned in my previous letter, we will continue to offer our regular schedule of Masses and Confessions in the parish.
In your kindness, I would ask you, if you will not be attending Mass, to please remember to continue to support the needs of the parish either by mailing in your offering or by giving through our online giving service here. Your support is imperative for me to be able to continue to sustain the operations of our parish and to support our many dedicated staff members.
I know that many of you are dealing with your own uncertainties with regard to this new reality we find ourselves in the midst of. Please know of my prayers for you. If there is anything I can do for you or your family at anytime, please do not hesitate to contact me.