Dear St. Catherine Parish Family,
This Sunday we resume our public Masses in the parish. As you know, we will be celebrating our Masses out on the large field next to the parish hall in order to reduce the risk of contagion. Please refer to the directives here for more information regarding Mass protocols. This Sunday, being the feast of Pentecost, is a wonderful time to resume our Masses since Pentecost is really the birthday of the Church.
This is also a time when many of our children and young adults are celebrating graduations. Unfortunately, many graduation ceremonies have had to be canceled or have been celebrated virtually. I want to take an opportunity to congratulate all of our 2020 graduates who have persevered especially during these difficult times and have been able to complete their studies successfully, and I would like to offer a special blessing this Sunday at the end of all of our Masses. If any graduates would like to dress in their cap and gown at Mass, they may do so. Otherwise, they can simply show up to Mass, and I will offer a blessing at the end of Mass.
Please know of my prayers for you all as we return to Sunday Mass, and I pray especially that our graduates will continue to persevere in faith and will rely on the Lord's grace as they begin this new phase in their journey.