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Parish Stewardship Survey

Dear St. Catherine Parish Family,

This year, again, we will be holding our annual parish stewardship campaign of time, talent, and treasure. This weekend (August 22-23), Fr. Valery and I will be speaking more specifically on the idea of stewardship of time with regard to making a commitment to the Lord to prayer and ongoing faith formation, and we will be sending out an electronic commitment card to our parishioners to make a commitment to stewardship of prayer and faith.

In anticipation of our stewardship campaign, I would ask you to please fill out the attached survey to help us know how to serve our parishioners more effectively, particularly in light of the current circumstances during this pandemic. I am grateful for all of your support of our parish, and I look forward to starting back up many of our programs and ministries in the parish to continue grow in our faith and stewardship of the Lord's Church together.

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