Our EASTER JOY SERIES will begin on April 18th and run for three weeks. All high school teens are invited to join. We will have two tracks in this series.
Our confirmation students will focus on the joy of receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. They will have a review of the material and prepare for their upcoming sacrament. Since our students have been studying virtually all year, this will be a great opportunity for them to get to know each other and wrap up the year on a good note.
RELENTLESS TRACK Our RELENTLESS teens are those who have already been confirmed. During the RELENTLESS track, we will focus on elements of the Catholic faith that bring joy into our lives. Both tracks will meet on the field from 3:00-4:15 on April 18, April 25, and May 2. All teens must be registered to attend.
We will meet in the field at the church. Please arrive with a mask on. For those who want, masks can be removed once we get settled. According to Archdiocesan policy, a waiver must be signed before attending. You can go online and sign the waiver at https://form.jotform.com/210905234546149 Contact Lisa Fiamingo with any questions, lisaf@stcatherinercc.org or 678-385-9433.