SCS welcomes the Father Kapaun’s Men’s Group and Discussion series! This group is inspired by the life of Servant of God Father Emil Kapaun, who was a Catholic Priest and U.S. Army Chaplain. “Kapaun’s Men” has been designed to unite men in prayer, formation, and discussion in order to foster a spirit of accompaniment among men. This Group helps us courageously respond to God’s universal call to holiness and become better husbands, fathers, leaders, and friends.
Who is Father Emil Kapaun? He was born in the small farming community of Pilsen, Kansas. In 1951, he was captured while giving aid to wounded soldiers during the Korean War, and he died in a Prisoner of War Camp. One of the POWs that served with him said this of him: “He was the greatest example of manhood that I’ve ever seen in my life.” In the dire conditions of the Communist prison camp, he inspired men to band together and keep fighting, and his story has been inspiring men ever since. In 2013, Chaplain Kapaun was awarded the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest honor for bravery in battle, and in 2015 his cause for sainthood in the Catholic Church was presented to the Congregation for Saints in Rome, where it is currently under review.
Saint Catherine will be hosting the 7-week Kapaun’s Men Virtue Series at the church on Thursday nights beginning on August 12, 2021, from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, with fellowship and refreshments from 6:00pm – 6:30pm, in room 201/202 of the Our Lady of Grace building. All men of the parish are invited to come meet, discuss, and grow as we learn about our Catholic virtues and one of America’s future saints. Come and see why he is known as such a great model of authentic masculinity. Contact James O’Shields at for more information. You can also find more information on the web at: and through Formed at: