This year the theme of the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal is “Our Joyful Return to the Lord.” One way we can show our love to our brothers and sisters in faith is to generously respond to the Bishop’s request for a pledge to the 2021 Appeal.
While much of the Church’s ministry takes place in our parishes, we also come together as an archdiocesan Church to carry out critical services and ministries that have an impact beyond any one parish. Your support for the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal helps bring the spiritual and corporal works of mercy to life in your parish as a part of our overall effort to spread and deepen faith in the Merciful Lord throughout the archdiocese.
Through your generous gifts, we can continue the work what we are called to do as Christians: educate our seminarians, support our retired priests, provide catechesis to our children and protect the rights of the unborn. Please be generous in your response. For more information, or to donate online, go to