St. Vincent de Paul Society
Our parish St. Vincent dePaul Society provides assistance to those in need in the community. Volunteer teams meet with those in need, interview them about their situation and needs, tell them about community resources that may be available for them, and arrange payment for expenses they need help with. We also help staff a large thrift store in downtown Kennesaw and maintain a food pantry, which is a great resource for our community. Check the weekly bulletin for specific needs.
Please consider supporting this ministry through your financial donations or through volunteering. Online giving is now available for St. Vincent de Paul. through St. Catherine's online giving website. For more information and/or to volunteer, call or text Chris Prangley at 404-456-3130 or by email at cpsvdp@gmail.com. We welcome you to visit our St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store at 2722 Summers Street, Kennesaw; 770-919-1458. All donations of clothing and household items welcomed.
If you are in need of food or financial assistance, email svdpcat@gmail.com.