Christian stewardship is one of the fruits of discipleship. A Christian disciple makes a mature choice to accept Jesus’ call without counting the cost, and stewardship is an outward expression of such a choice. In responding wholeheartedly to the Lord’s invitation, the mature disciple recognizes God’s gifts, strives to take care of them, and shares them out of love for God and neighbor.
We invite you to consider living out your call to stewardship of treasure through regular sacrificial giving to the needs of the parish. This can be done through our parish envelopes or through our online giving service (which allows you to setup automatic recurring donations). In addition to our regular offertory, you may choose to give to our second collections.
You might also consider contributions with additional tax benefits such as gifts of securities, IRA charitable rollover gifts, or a donation to the grace scholarship to support Catholic education.
We also invite you to consider how you can provide for the long term needs of the parish through planned and estate charitable giving. All of these options can be explored through the links below.
The Scriptures speaks about tithing, which means 10% of your income. We encourage you to consider dividing up your tithe as follows: 5% to St. Catherine's, 1% to the Archbishop's Annual Appeal, and 4% to your other charitable organizations. This may seem like an untenable amount for you and your family, and there certainly may be times when you may not be able to make a full tithe, but our Lord reminds us, "Where your heart is, so will be your treasure" (Mt. 6:21). If you are not able to make a full tithe at this time, we encourage you to commit to beginning with some smaller percentage, even 1%. Even this may be a leap of faith, but we know that the Lord always provides for our needs if we are faithful to Him.